Connell School of Nursing Professor 安·伯吉斯 (Photo by Gary Wayne Gilbert)


Hulu's 'Mastermind' docuseries explores the groundbreaking work of 电子游戏软件 nursing professor

Connell School of Nursing Professor 安·伯吉斯 has been recognized by the nursing profession as a pioneer in the field of forensics and victimology, 被美国护理学会指定为活着的传奇人物, and is the namesake of an award from the International Association of Forensic Nurses.

现在, Hollywood is shining a spotlight on the psychiatric nurse who has spent her nearly six-decade career studying killers in the new docuseries “Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer,” available for streaming on Hulu and Hulu On Disney+ starting July 11.

教授肖像. 安·伯吉斯和史蒂文·康斯坦丁协会. 市场营销主任 & 通信(CSON), co-authors of "A Killer by Design: Murderers, 八面埋伏, 以及我破译犯罪心理的探索". Photographed outside O'Neill Library and in the Nursing Simulation Lab in Maloney Hall. 为bbc新闻和《纪事报》1/20/22拍摄.

安·伯吉斯 and CSON's Steven Constantine collaborated on the book "A Killer by Design: Murders, 八面埋伏, 以及我破译犯罪心理的探索,这是纪录片的灵感来源. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)

三部分系列, directed by Abby Fuller and produced for Hulu by Campfire Studios in association with Lewellen Pictures, explores the critical role Burgess played as consultant to the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit in developing modern-day serial killer profiling and how her work with law enforcement led to the identification and capture of the country’s most lethal criminals. 它还涵盖了她在受害者学方面的开创性工作, 帮助他人更好地理解创伤的影响. 伯吉斯是该剧的顾问制片人.

The docuseries had its world premiere at the Tribeca Festival on June 7. 看完第一集之后, 伯吉斯和富勒一起参加了一次谈话, 制作人Dani Sloane, 执行制片人达科塔·范宁, 艾丽·范宁, 丽贝卡·埃文斯. Other members of the docuseries team include executive producers Ross M. Dinerstein, 丽贝卡Halpern, 和莱斯利·奇尔科特, 联合执行制片人罗斯·吉拉德和马克·麦库恩.  

这部纪录片的灵感来自2021年出版的那本书 A Killer by Design: Murders, 八面埋伏, and My Quest to Decipher Criminal Minds, co-written by Burgess and CSON Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Steven Constantine, and features exclusive access to Burgess’ personal archive and interviews with Burgess.

The film crew made several trips to 电子游戏软件 for scouting and shooting, according to Fuller. “这是一个非常适合拍摄的校园. 和李博士一起工作是一段不可思议的经历. Burgess, Steven [Constantine], and everyone we've encountered at BC. Truly such a welcoming and beautiful place to spend so much time over the past year.”

Cinematographer Anna Franquesa Solano found inspiration in the Theology and Ministry Library on Brighton Campus. “它在美学上与我们所寻找的一致. 我们喜欢图书馆的大窗户和色彩. It really felt like it had the architecture and the decor of a place that was believable to have been late 1970s/’80s. That was important because we were trying to evoke the time when Dr. 伯吉斯在行为科学部做这项工作.”

Constantine added that the crew also filmed Burgess in lecture halls, Gasson 100, 多佛校区的康纳斯中心, 沿着栗子山水库, 其他校园地点. “它绝对有一种英国广播公司的感觉,”他说.”

The topic of profiling serial killers has previously been explored in books and on television, 尤其是Netflix的电视剧《电子游戏正规平台》(Mindhunter, 2017-2019), which was a dramatized account of the early days of the FBI's Behavior Science Unit. The show’s character Wendy Carr, played by actress Anna Torv, was loosely based on Burgess.


“This is the first time that her story is being told on screen,富勒说. “Dr. Burgess was someone who was a very influential part of the criminal personality study and single-handedly structured the 电子游戏正规平台. 作为一名学者, 她购买了数据收集的技能, 写作, 出版, 电子游戏正规平台, 过程的组织. 特工们没有接受过电子游戏正规平台方面的训练. I think she hasn't gotten as much credit as some of the other members of the team.

“Dr. Burgess’s story is not just about studying the minds of serial killers. 而是要理解受害者,相信受害者. 这就是我看到的线索. The series is about her entire career and the many ways she's influenced and shaped law enforcement and the courts and different systems.”

At a time when women did not have roles of authority or positions of power, 这种谦逊的, humble woman blazed a trail by standing up for what she believed in. Dr. Burgess is an incredible role model, and her story is very inspiring for young women.
艾比富勒, 《电子游戏正规平台》导演

“She did her work through the lens of the victim,康斯坦丁说. “Everyone else was focused on the offender, and the victim was fairly incidental in the cases. She was one of the first people who brought the idea of victimology to the BSU and got them to think about the victim as an equal part of a case. 受害者不仅能帮助破案, but was a real person who was affected and the agents needed to think about the impact on that person's life as well.

她还扩大了受害者的定义. 她改变了人们对受害者的文化观念, 我认为这非常重要,康斯坦丁补充道. “There was an element of humanity that she brought to the whole process that didn't exist before her. 然后她在她的法律工作中也继续了这一点.”

纪录片的第三集讲述了伯吉斯的审判工作, such as in the murder trials of Lyle and Erik Menendez and the criminal case against Bill Cosby involving victim Andrea Constand.

“The underlying theme in her work is this idea that if we can provide empathy and compassion and really listen to victims, 我们可以改变帮助人们从创伤中康复的方式, how we're able to help the criminal justice system more quickly catch and apprehend offenders,富勒说. “It stems from that core drive in her of wanting to help victims. 她一直是倾听和相信受害者的倡导者, starting in the early ’70s when no one else was thinking that way.

“At a time when women did not have roles of authority or positions of power, 这种谦逊的, humble woman blazed a trail by standing up for what she believed in. She is a great example of somebody who never questioned herself and understood what was the right thing to do and marched forward. 她以一种非常协作的方式,从内部改变了系统. Dr. Burgess is an incredible role model, and her story is very inspiring for young women.”

“最初, she didn’t want to tell her story because she was more focused on the work,康斯坦丁说. “她有点像一个隐藏的人物. 看到她的故事被更广泛地讲述是令人兴奋的.”