Terms and Conditions


Last updated November 18, 2022

Jesuit Ordo 授权给您(最终用户)的是 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所, located and registered at 9 Lake St., Brighton, Massachusetts 02135, United States ("Licensor"),仅在本条款下使用 License Agreement.

下载许可应用程序从 苹果公司的软件分销平台("App Store") and 谷歌的软件分发平台("Play Store"),以及本协议所允许的任何电子游戏正规平台 License 协议),您表示您同意受本协议所有条款和条件的约束 License 协议,你接受这个 License Agreement. App Store和Play Store是 referred to in this License Agreement as "Services."

The parties of this License “协议”承认“服务”并非本协议的一方 License 不受与许可应用程序有关的任何条款或义务的约束, such as warranty, liability, 维护和支持. 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所仅对许可应用程序及其内容负责,而非服务方.

This License Agreement may not provide for usage rules for the Licensed Application that are in conflict with the latest 苹果媒体服务条款和条件 and Google Play服务条款 ("Usage Rules"). 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 承认它有机会审查《电子游戏正规平台》和本文件 License 协议与他们并不冲突.

Jesuit Ordo 当通过服务购买或下载时, 仅在本条款下授权您使用 License Agreement. 许可方保留未明确授予您的所有权利. Jesuit Ordo 在设备上使用 Apple's operating systems ("iOS" and "Mac OS") or Google's operating system ("Android").



Jesuit Ordo ("Licensed Application")是一个软件,创建用于 Jesuit Ordo — and customized for iOS and Android mobile devices ("Devices"). It is used to Jesuit Ordo.



2.您被授予不可转让的、非排他性的、不可再许可的 license to install and use the Licensed Application on any Devices that You (End-User) own or control and as permitted by the Usage Rules, with the exception that such Licensed Application may be accessed and used by other accounts associated with You (End-User, (买方)通过家庭共享或批量采购.

2.2  This license 也适用于许可方对许可应用程序的任何电子游戏正规平台,以取代, repair, 和/或补充第一个许可应用程序, unless a separate license 是否提供了这样的电子游戏正规平台,在这种情况下,条款是新的 license will govern.

2.3  You may not share or make the Licensed Application available to third parties (unless to the degree allowed by the Usage Rules, and with 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所's prior written consent), sell, rent, lend, 租赁或以其他方式重新分发许可应用程序.

2.你不能逆向工程, translate, disassemble, integrate, decompile, remove, modify, combine, 创建衍生作品或电子游戏正规平台, adapt, 或试图获取许可应用程序的源代码, 或其任何部分(除 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所's prior written consent).

2.你不得复制(除非是明示的) authorized by this license 以及使用规则)或更改许可应用程序或其部分. You may create and store copies only on devices that You own or control for backup keeping under the terms of this license、使用规则以及适用于所使用的设备或软件的任何其他条款和条件. 您不得删除任何知识产权通知. You acknowledge that no unauthorized 第三方可以在任何时候获得这些副本. 如果你把你的设备卖给第三方, 在此之前,您必须从设备中删除许可应用程序.

2.6 .违反上述义务, 以及这种侵权行为的企图, 可能会受到起诉和损害赔偿.


2.8  Nothing in this license 应该被解释为限制第三方条款吗. 使用许可应用程序时, 您必须确保遵守适用的第三方条款和条件.


3.授权应用程序需要固件版本 1.0.0 or higher. 许可方建议使用最新版本的固件.

3.2  Licensor attempts to keep the Licensed Application updated so that it complies with modified/new versions of the firmware and new hardware. 您没有被授予要求此类电子游戏正规平台的权利.

3.3  You acknowledge that it is Your responsibility to confirm and determine that the app end-user device on which You intend to use the Licensed Application satisfies the technical specifications mentioned above.



4.1  The Licensor is solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services for this Licensed Application. 您可以通过中列出的电子邮件地址与许可方联系 App Store or Play Store 本许可应用程序的概述.

4.2  电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 最终用户承认 the Services have no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Licensed Application.


You acknowledge that Licensor will be able to access and adjust Your downloaded Licensed Application content and Your personal information, and that Licensor's use of such material and information is subject to Your legal agreements with Licensor and Licensor's privacy policy,可在许可应用程序的底部找到.

You acknowledge that the Licensor may periodically collect and use technical data and related information about your device, system, and application software, and peripherals, offer product support, 促进软件电子游戏正规平台, 以及为向您提供与许可应用程序相关的其他服务(如有)的目的. Licensor may also use this information to improve its products or to provide services or technologies to you, 只要它的形式不能识别你的个人身份.

6. 用户贡献

许可应用程序不提供用户提交或发布内容. 我们可能会为您提供创造的机会, submit, post, display, transmit, perform, publish, distribute, 或向我们或在许可应用程序中广播内容和材料, 包括但不限于文本, writings, video, audio, photographs, graphics, comments, suggestions, 或个人信息或其他材料(统称), "Contributions"). Contributions may be viewable by other users 持牌申请的资料 and through third-party websites or applications. As such, any Contributions you transmit may be treated in accordance with the Licensed Application Privacy Policy. 当您创建或提供任何贡献时,您因此声明并保证:

1. The creation, distribution, transmission, public display, or performance, and the accessing, downloading, 或复制您的贡献不会也不会侵犯专有权利, 包括但不限于版权, patent, trademark, trade secret, 或任何第三方的道德权利.
2. 你是创造者和拥有者,或者拥有必要的东西 licenses,权利,同意,释放和使用的许可 authorize us, the Licensed Application, and other users 持牌申请的资料 to use your Contributions in any manner contemplated by the Licensed Application and this License Agreement.
3. 你有书面同意, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in your Contributions to use the name or likeness or each and every such identifiable individual person to enable inclusion and use of your Contributions in any manner contemplated by the Licensed Application and this License Agreement.
4. 你的贡献不是虚假的,不准确的,或误导.
5. 您的贡献不是未经请求的 unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, pyramid schemes, chain letters, spam, mass mailings, 或其他形式的征集.
6. 你的贡献是不淫秽,猥亵,淫荡,肮脏,暴力,骚扰, libelous诽谤或其他令人反感的(由我们确定).
7. 你的贡献不能嘲笑、嘲弄、贬低、恐吓或辱骂任何人.
8. Your Contributions are not used to harass or threaten (in the legal sense of those terms) any other person and to promote violence against a specific person or class of people.
9. 您的贡献不违反任何适用的法律、法规或规则.
10. 您的投稿不会侵犯任何第三方的隐私权或公开权.
11. 您的贡献不违反任何有关儿童色情的适用法律, 或以其他方式旨在保护未成年人的健康或福祉.
12. 你的投稿不包括任何与种族有关的冒犯性评论, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or physical handicap.
13. 您的贡献不违反, 或者链接到违反, any provision of this License 协议,或任何适用的法律或法规.

违反上述规定使用许可应用程序即违反本规定 License Agreement and may result in, among other things, 终止或暂停您使用许可应用程序的权利.


您同意我们可以访问, store, process, and use any information and personal data that you provide following the terms of the Privacy Policy and your choices (including settings).

通过提交关于许可应用程序的建议或其他反馈, 您同意我们可以出于任何目的使用和分享这些反馈,而无需向您提供任何补偿.

我们不主张对您的贡献拥有任何所有权. You retain full ownership of all of your Contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions. We are not liable for any statements or representations in your Contributions provided by you in any area in the Licensed Application. You are solely responsible for your Contributions to the Licensed Application and you expressly agree to exonerate us from any and all responsibility and to refrain from any legal action against us regarding your Contributions.


8.1  Licensor takes no accountability or responsibility for any damages caused due to a breach of duties according to Section 2 of this License Agreement. To avoid data loss, You are required to make use of backup functions 持牌申请的资料 to the extent allowed by applicable third-party terms and conditions of use. 您知道,如果更改或操纵许可应用程序, 您将无法访问许可应用程序.


9.许可方保证许可应用程序不含间谍软件, trojan horses, viruses, 或任何其他恶意软件. 许可方保证许可应用程序按照用户文档中的描述工作.

9.对于无法在设备上执行的许可应用程序,不提供任何保证, that has been unauthorizedly modified, 处理不当或不当的, 与不适当的硬件或软件结合或安装的, 搭配不合适的配件使用, 无论是你自己还是第三方, 或者还有其他原因 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所影响许可应用程序可执行性的影响范围.

9.您需要在安装许可应用程序后立即检查并通知 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 关于通过电子邮件及时发现的问题 Contact Information. The defect report will be taken into consideration and further investigated if it has been emailed within a period of __________ days after discovery.

9.如果我们确认许可应用程序有缺陷, 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 保留通过解决缺陷或替代交付的方式来补救的选择权.

9.5  如果许可应用程序不符合任何适用的保证, 您可以通知服务商店运营商, 您的许可应用程序购买价格将退还给您. 在适用法律允许的最大范围内, the Services Store Operator will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Licensed Application, and any other losses, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses, 以及因疏忽而造成的任何费用.

9.6  如果用户是企业家, any claim based on faults expires after a statutory period of limitation amounting to twelve (12) months after the Licensed Application was made available to the user. 法律规定的时效期间适用于作为消费者的用户.


电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 and the End-User acknowledge that 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所, and not the Services, is responsible for addressing any claims of the End-User or any third party relating to the Licensed Application or the End-User’s possession and/or use of that Licensed Application, including, but not limited to:

(ii) any claim that the Licensed Application fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and



You represent and warrant that You are not located in a country that is subject to a US Government embargo, 或被美国政府指定为 "terrorist supporting" country; and that You are not listed on any US Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.


For general inquiries, complaints, 关于许可应用程序的问题或索赔, please contact:
9 Lake St.
Brighton, MA 02135
United States


The license 有效期至终止日期 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 or by You. Your rights under this license 将自动终止,无须另行通知 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 如果您未能遵守本协议的任何条款 license. Upon License termination, 您应停止对许可应用程序的所有使用, and destroy all copies, full or partial, 持牌申请的资料.

14. 第三方协议条款及受益人

电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 声明并保证: 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 在使用授权应用程序时是否会遵守适用的第三方协议条款.

根据第9条 《电子游戏软件》 苹果和谷歌以及他们的 子公司应为该“最终用户”的第三方受益人 License 协议,并在您接受的条款和条件 License Agreement, both Apple and Google 将有权(并将被视为已接受该权利)强制执行该最终用户 License 反对您作为第三方受益人的协议.

15. 知识产权

电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所 最终用户承认, in the event of any third-party claim that the Licensed Application or the End-User's possession and use of that Licensed Application infringes on the third party's intellectual property rights, 电子游戏软件高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所而不是军情局,将全权负责调查, defense解决和解除任何此类知识产权侵权索赔.


This License 协议受…法律管辖 the State of __________ 排除其法律规则冲突.


17.1  如果本协议的任何条款应该或变得无效, 其余规定的效力不受影响. 无效的条款将被有效的条款所取代,这些条款的制定方式将达到主要目的.
17.2  附属协议、变更和修订只有在书面形式下才有效. 上述条款只能以书面形式放弃.
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