新闻 and Planning 过程

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迈克尔·J. Lochhead
Executive Vice President

Provost and Dean of Faculties

Executive Committee
Financial Vice President and Treasurer

Jack Butler, S.J.
Vice President, University Mission and Ministry

Senior Vice President, 进步

威廉·P. 莱希,年代.J.
University President

迈克尔·J. Lochhead
Executive Vice President

Provost and Dean of Faculties

Kelli Armstrong
Vice President for Planning and Assessment

Jack Butler, S.J.
Vice President, University Mission and Ministry

Catherine Cornille

Associate Professor of Sociology

Welkin Johnson
Professor and Chair of Biology

Vice President for Student Affairs

Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.

Adam Krueckeberg
Program Director, University Strategic Planning Initiative

迈克尔·J. Lochhead
Executive Vice President

Beth McDermott
Vice President for Development

Aimee Milliken
Ph.D. student, Connnell School of Nursing

Provost and Dean of Faculties

Vincent Rougeau
Dean, Boston College Law School

Vice Provost for Faculties

Hagop Toghramadjian
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences ’17

Vice President for Human 资源

约翰J. 带
Chief Investment Officer and Associate Treasurer

Strategic planning assessment committees and their chairs

Boston College Law School
Vincent Rougeau, Dean, Boston College Law School

Carroll School of Management

Connell School of Nursing
Susan Gennaro, Dean, Connell School of Nursing

Lynch School of Education
Maureen Kenny, Dean, Lynch School of Education

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.莫里西学院和艺术与科学电子游戏正规平台生院院长

School of Social Work
Alberto Godenzi, Dean, School of Social Work

School of Theology and Ministry

马克·马萨,S.J., Dean, School of Theology and Ministry

Thomas Wall, University Librarian

Woods College of Advancing Studies
James Burns, I.V.D, Dean, Woods College of Advancing Studies

Strategic planning assessment committees and their chairs

Intercollegiate 体育运动
Bradley Bates, William V. Campbell Director of 体育运动

Information Technology

Michael Bourque, Vice President, Information Technology

Daniel Bourque, Vice President, 设施 Management

Finance and Auxiliary Services
约翰·伯克, Financial Vice President and Treasurer

University Mission and Ministry
Jack Butler, S.J., Vice President, University Mission and Ministry

吉姆小量, Senior Vice President, 进步

Student Affairs

芭芭拉·琼斯, Vice President for Student Affairs

Human 资源
特芮娜大卫, Vice President for Human 资源

Strategic planning assessment committees and their chairs

Undergraduate Liberal Arts Education
Akua Sarr, Vice Provost for Undergraduate 学术 Affairs

Graduate and Professional Programs
玛丽·克兰(Mary Crane)是文理学院(Institute for Liberal Arts)的主任. Rattigan Professor of English
比利•, Vice Provost for Faculties

电子游戏正规平台 and Integrated Science
Thomas Chiles,电子游戏正规平台和学术规划副教务长兼德卢卡大学生物学系主任

Student Life, Culture, and 形成
Jack Butler, S.J., Vice President, University Mission and Ministry
芭芭拉·琼斯, Vice President for Student Affairs

Enrollment Management, Access, and Affordability
约翰·伯克, Financial Vice President and Treasurer
Nanci Tessier, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Marketing, Communications, and Public Presence
Jack Dunn, Director, Office of 新闻 and Public Affairs
Suzanne Matus,营销传播办公室营销传播董事总经理

全球 Connections, Aspirations, and Opportunities
Pat DeLeeuw, former Vice Provost for Faculties
Alberto Godenzi, Dean, School of Social Work